I founded Radical Sabbatical in 2003, my mission is to take you, your team, your family or your organization to places you’ve never been before. In some cases I'll take you to places you’ve never been geographically, in other cases physically or professionally and in every case – emotionally!

We guarantee personal and corporate epiphanies through guided customized travel experiences designed to deliver tangible results. 

Explorer Sir Richard Francis Burton, in words a century old, captures the buoyant optimism of setting forth:


“Of the gladdest moments in human life, methinks, is the departure on a distant journey into unknown lands. Shaking off, with one mighty effort, the fetters of Habit, the leaden weight of Routine, the cloak of many Cares, and the slavery of Home.”


Read how others are using Radical Sabbaticals as a sure-fire way to break career monotony

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What it takes to truly escape - Bruce Kirkby Globe & Mail - Oct 2, 2010 



 Check out my current favorite, Tiger Blue a luxury family livaboard in Indonesia.

I did this trip in June 2010 and, truthfully, it was an experience of a lifetime and one I’ll treasure for the rest of my life. I’m not a diver – but to snorkel within 3 meters of five manta rays each bigger than my bed was extraordinary!

Tiger Blue is a 112 ft. teak Phinisi schooner, she was hand built on an Indonesian beach by local craftsmen. All modern amenities and conveniences have been added but she remains true to the tenet of ‘beauty through simplicity’ and offers a unique ‘luxury adventure’ family charter like no other! This year Tiger Blue made it into the list of Asia’s ‘Top 50 Super Yachts’

Tiger Blue offers an extraordinary experience like no other. Explore a world of 17,400 islands populated by dragons, volcanoes, ancient landscapes, deserted anchorages, spicy cuisine and unfamiliar customs and rituals.

Travel like an early explorer but in great comfort, luxury and space discovering the remote Spice Islands, the dramatic landscapes, coastlines and natural history of the Indonesian archipelago. These are the richest seas in the world offering unrivaled diving and family adventures.

Click here for photos, pricing and itinarary